` Grace of God Church - Experience God!

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Sunday of The Holy Spirit
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Grace of God Church

A Church that follows the true Gospel

We’d love to meet you! Come check us out this SUNDAY where you can meet us and see if Grace of God Church might be a good fit for you. Our heart and soul is to introduce and connect people with the living and powerful God.

At our Church..

Everybody is welcome. We believe what Jesus said in the book of Matthew 11:28-29. Come as you are. Leave your past behind and let's worship the one that holds our future.

We follow the Word

We follow and believe all that Jesus has said in his words. We won't add and we won't take out. All He has said should be used in our days and in days yet to come.

We Preach

We preach the Word of God loud and clear. We preach about the healing power of God, we preach about the power of God that can set you free. We preach 100% the pure gospel.

Our church mission is to ignite a passion to follow Jesus.

“The church is the body of Christ on earth, empowered by the Holy Spirit to continue the task of reaching the lost and discipling the saved, helping them become fully devoted followers of Christ.”

Ephesians 4:1-16

What's the next step?

Following Jesus as disciples and connecting with others as part of a spiritual family
Worship With Us!

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Upcoming Events

Conferences & Events

Oct 30
Receive the Oil of Salvation
08:00 am & 10:00 am Details
Dec 23
Christmas Service
10:00 am Details
Jan 18
Night Vigil
22:00 pm Details
Marc 30
Healing Conference
10:00 am - 12:00 pm Details
Apr 24
Doctor Soares
08:00 am & 10:00 am Details
  • Church livestream
  • grace of god church leaders
  • hands lifted up in prayer
  • woman feeling depressed
  • man has received healing
  • grace radio live
  • join worship team
  • girl welcoming church members
  • two kids hugging
  • media department grace church
Worship Team

Be a part of our team

Through our ministry, our vision is to help people experience the presence of God in the greatest way possible. We are a dymanic and diverse family of worshippers passionate about Jesus and His Church. If you are interested in serving in our ministry, we'd love to hear from you! Complete our ministry interest form, and our team will be in touch with you.

Giving is an action of worship,
affection & love for Jesus.

Grace of God Church making the difference

Learn more about God

Our Blog

Small Group Leader Training
Preaching all over the World

Grace of God Church is reaching people in places where it's impossible to preach the gospel. We are making a way for our king by sharing the true gospel with those who are in ne...

The Power of Scripture
How to receive my healing?

Many people ask me how to receive healing, or blessings. The answer is very simple. You don't need to go look around for an answer, because it's right in the b...

Be Inspired by Biblical Teaching
How to find peace in the midst of the Storm

Jesus said that we would face storms. He neves promised us a safe journey, but he promised that he would be with us throughout our journey. The first step is to b...

We teach the true gospel. We run away from liers who claim they come in the name of God, and deceive people. We believe in the pure gospel of Jesus and follow word by word.

ps daniel from grace of god church
Daniel Monare Assistant Pastor

The bible says that God is the same from yesterday, he remains the same today and he will remain the same tomorrow, he does not change. The same wonders he did yesterday, he will surely do today!

ps santos from grace of god church
Rod Santos Senior Pastor

For God said: Come unto me, all you who are weary, and I will give you rest.
Come as you are, we will love to guide you and lead you into his presence.

mama santos from grace of god church
Andreza Santos Women Who Win Director

We teach the true gospel. We run away from liers who claim they come in the name of God, and deceive people. We believe in the pure gospel of Jesus and follow word by word.

ps daniel from grace of god church
Daniel Monare Assistant Pastor

The bible says that God is the same from yesterday, he remains the same today and he will remain the same tomorrow, he does not change. The same wonders he did yesterday, he will surely do today!

ps santos from grace of god church
Rod Santos Senior Pastor

If you are interested in joining our ministry please fill out the membership form, or email us directly »